Kiwanis is fun….and friendship, leadership, services, educational programs, networking, personal growth and recognition. We believe children and their communities benefit from the efforts of a dedicated group of caring and hands-on volunteers.
HOPE is a word that is often used in the Kiwanis world to speak about what Kiwanians do – they provide hope to others in terms of dollars, encouragement and just showing up when there is a need in our community.But what is it that it really means to me? Here is what the word HOPE stands for me:
Humility – Kiwanis volunteers believe in “Service before Self” and it is our mission to raise awareness and money for service projects around the world.
Opportunity – This is what Kiwanians are always great at finding: new opportunities for caring about others. A wonderful quote by Edward Hill that applies very well to our Kiwanis Family is this: Kiwanis volunteers know that “I am only one, but still I am one. But…because I am only one it will not stop me from helping one.”
Purpose – Kiwanis volunteers never fall off the rollercoaster of the ups and downs of fundraising for causes with ever increasing need, and celebrating their achievements and then engaging again at every level and find new opportunities in change.
Engagement – Is about honest communication with ourselves and the people Kiwanis serves – children and families. We talk a lot lately about the magic of “Kiwanis Moments”. We will only have a “Kiwanis Moment” when we are all fully engaged in the purpose of why we are helping an individual or an organization in need when we are actually doing the service project. “Kiwanis Moments” occur when our emotions meet our souls purpose.
We can stop looking at what we cannot do and appreciate what we can do with one hour or one day. We can dare to find what we are passionate about and make it our life’s work not because it is expected of you as a member but because you expect it of yourself.
Have yourself a summer season full of HOPE!
Deborah Knight